The Perfect Fit
Three Accurate Ways to Check a Ring Size
Learn how to get the ideal ring fit for that special someone

If you're in a rush you can Google "Printable Ring Sizer" and print out one of many options. The problem is that if you don't set up your printer options correct, the scale of the printout will be off and you'll get inaccurate results.
If you want to get this right or as close to perfect on the first try, request one of the free tools below and we'll mail it to you discretely right away. Available free for customers who need to check their ring size. If you have your ring picked out you can place your ring order and send an email requesting your free ring sizing tool. Your sizing tool will be sent right away and we will size your ring once you confirm the correct ring size.
Ring Sizer

Ring Sizer
The multi-sizer works like a belt. Simply push the end through the buckle to form a ring shape. Slip the multi-sizer onto your finger. Adjust to give a comfortable fit, checking that it just slips back over the knuckle. When the best fit is achieved, read off the size indicated by the arrow.
Available free for customers who need to check their ring.
Email sales@mikadodiamonds to request your free ring multi-sizer. Just include your name and mailing address and it will be sent out as soon as possible.
*Limit one per household